Monday, November 5, 2007

Baked Ziti

How can anything with a pound each of pasta and Italian sasuage mixed with tomato sauce, sour cream, ricotta, and lots of cheese go wrong?

So why do I cook so much Italian style food? Well, aside from the obvious reason that I like flavor, there are several others:

1. You get to start every recipe by sauteing onions and garlic. (Note exception in last recipe)
2. Cheese is ubiquitous.
3. Just about every recipe contains pasta, which is filling but cheap.
4. Many of the recipes lend themselves decently to reheating. This recipe for example completely filled my 9 x 13 dish. That means I'm going to be eating it for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

Glen Kimsey said...

One of my high school English teachers said that she knew what Hell was. Hell was grading the essays on PSATs. I agree, but propose that Hell might also be trying to get the baked ziti onto the impeccably clean plate without any liquid or smears or any blemish whatsoever showing on the plate. Actually, if it were me, I'd find a very green sheet of plastic or paper, place the ziti on it, and green-screen the plate later.
And I just can't bring myself to spend more money making food (not including cost of time) that it costs to buy frozen stuff. Especially since said frozen stuff doesn't go bad easily. And requires minimal cleanup.